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As the new year turns, the weather takes a sudden chill turn, and the sky darkens as the grip of winter intensifies. Worry rises as regular channels of communication between nations cease like a candle suddenly snuffed. Slowly, throughout the lands claimed by the Ragesian Empire, rumors spread between isolated villages, traveling by foot and horse and word of mouth—rumors that Drakus Coaltongue, the immortal emperor whose armies conquered every land he set his gaze upon, has fallen in a distant land to the west. How the tyrant was defeated is unknown, but if it is true, everyone knows that a war is coming. The generals of Emperor Coaltongue will strike for control, oppressed peoples will rise up in rebellion, and dangers once held in check only by fear of the mighty warlord will bring doom to the world.
Those in power are preparing for the coming conflict, readying fervent armies and powerful weapons and subtle, deceptive plots, but two questions burn in their minds: who killed the seemingly-immortal Emperor Coaltongue; and what has become of the artifact that would let a man rule the world? Who has the Torch of the Burning Sky?
E.N. Publishing's saga of twelve adventures presents would-be conquerors who would bring the world to the brink of annihilation, and it is up to the heroes to decide who will rule in the aftermath of the great war—perhaps an ally, perhaps themselves, perhaps even anarchy. They can usher the world into a golden age, or let it be scorched under a rain of fire.
A cohesive storyline, memorable NPCs, imaginative set-pieces, moral conflict, action, adventure, politics—War of the Burning Sky has it all!
Your heroes will...
Then, in the stunning finale to the War of the Burning Sky adventure path, the heroes will lead their armies on a final assault against the might of the Ragesian Empire and prevent their foe, the tyrannical Leska, from cursing the world to a fate worse than destruction.
Keep an eye on the Ancris IT publisher page for information about War of the Burning Sky and other products including upcoming releases, trailers, and more.
The Roll20 adventures of the War of the Burning Sky campaign saga include the entire content of the 5e adventures, fully integrated into the platform. Included in the Roll20 version:
War of the Burning Sky, EN Publishing, and their respective logos are property of EN Publishing, Ltd. Used with permission.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)