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The City Buildings Map Bundle 02 contains Day, Night, 'Hidden Secrets' and Unfurnished variants of 11 different maps from 3 different locations, all designed to help you populate your larger Cities and Towns. A combined total of 42 new maps for your campaign in gridded or gridless format! Each map is highly detailed and contains inspiration for plot hooks, quest ideas, heroic deeds and nefarious activities.
This bundle includes:
The Pennerton Exchequer Bank - The Pennerton Exchequer Bank, Loans company and Royal Mint is one of only five institutions within the Empire with a license to produce official coinage, and the only one to be privately owned. In recent months a black market in unlicensed currency has sprung up and there is a suspicion upon the Pennerton family, as they are uniquely positioned to be able to carry out such an undertaking. The crown does not want to risk damaging its relationship with the incredibly wealthy and influential Pennerton family without concrete evidence, but this cannot go unchecked.
The party has been hired by the Emperor's advisors to stage a heist on the bank in order to try to discover the truth and see if the Pennerton's are creating the false currency and skimming from the empires gold supply. How they choose to go about this is up to them, but whatever they do they are not to enter the Royal Vault and they are only to take what they need to prove the Pennerton's culpability. They will be appropriately rewarded once the job is complete. If they are captured, the crown will not be able to intercede, so they should plan accordingly!
The Judicer's Hall, Courtoom and Prison - After the partially successful heist at the Pennerton Exchequer, the party was able to find they evidence needed to prove the families involvement in the black market currency. Unfortunately not all of them made it out undetected. One of the PCs was caught and is currently being held in the prison below the Judicer's Hall, the seat of the local Law Bringer.
Due to the clandestine nature of their mission, they are unable to ask for royal intercession, so the remaining members of the party will have to find a way to extricate their friend on their own, be it through diplomacy, bribery or a good old fashioned prison break. They will need to hurry though, as the captured individual is being forced to fight other prisoners by corrupt guards on the payroll of the Pennertons. Will they survive long enough to be rescued?
The Bifrond Bazaar - Among the hustle and bustle of downtown, the Bifrond Bazaar has stood as a constant for generations. Sellers and buyers come and go, but the maze of alleyways and stalls remains steadfast. Built around a smaller caravanserai from ages past, the bazaar is known as the place to go to buy anything and everything. Carefully perusing the stalls will uncover many hidden treasures among the everyday items and necessities.
For those who choose to look even closer, the black heart of the bazaar may be found. Carefully concealed behind the ramshackle storage shelves below, guarded dark tunnels lead to the Cloister. When someone whispers that anything can be procured at the bazaar, this is what they truly mean.
Cloaked merchants offer items of unscrupulous origin and ignoble means, however the real deals are made at the card table. Sion Eficus, the hulking director of the bazaar's black market believes deeply in the machinations of fate. Those who come looking to buy or sell the rarest and most illicit of items in his underworld have to put themselves in the hands of kismet. Some leave with impossible bargains, while others find that more than their purse is forfeit.
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