This title (normally $4.99) is only $3.99 for a limited time!
This set of easy-to-use templates enhances any game utilizing a square grid with a scale of 1 square = 5 feet, and where effects occur in common sizes and shapes such as cones and lines. Upon adding this product to your game, you’ll find four new pages in your toolbar containing 78 templates organized and labeled by shape and size (in feet). To use a particular template, simply navigate to its clearly marked page, select and copy it, and then return to your map and paste it in place. What’s more, for each template, you can choose from eight different colors and styles so you always find one that contrasts nicely with your background.
Where applicable, the templates include marks indicating an effect’s origin, whether that be a grid intersection or square (or potential origins; subject to your game’s rules).
Why this product?
If you like or prefer navigating between pages to grab and copy things (tokens) over getting them from your art library or journal, then this is the template-product for you. The same is true if you find your asset library or journal to be bloated. With this product, nothing gets added to your asset library and only two items get added to your journal (overview & instructions document plus credits).If, however, you prefer to have and access the files directly in your asset library or via download, then this product will not meet your expectations.
For many shapes and sizes, the templates appear in two forms, grid and freeform. Templates labeled as grid templates are for games where effects follow a given set of squares for a particular shape, whereas ones labeled as freeform templates are for games where effects can be more freely aimed, rotated, and positioned.
All of the templates are semi-transparent multi-sided tokens with eight basic color options and styles. Five of the styles suggest a clear acrylic overlay strongly tinted either red, green, blue, black, or white. For templates that adhere to the grid, these styles include subtle gridlines (similar to real acrylic templates). The remaining three styles are tinted with a softer tone of either red, green, or blue, and each bears a thin white outline.
To use a template in your game:
The templates included in this product correspond to the most common templates used in popular RPGs using a scale of 1 square = 5 feet.
Cones (13)
The freeform cones listed below expand at an angle of 53.13º from the origin, meaning that the cone's width at a given point along its length is equal to the point's distance from the origin.
Lines (20)
Squares (6)
Circles (bursts, cylinders, spheres) (13)
Radii (auras, emanations) (26)
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)