This rocky riverside provides the perfect stage for an intense, dynamic battle. The jagged cliffs, scattered rocks, and narrow paths offer plenty of opportunities for ambushes and evasive maneuvers. But the real danger comes as the tide rises, transforming the landscape into a perilous, waterlogged battleground. The battle could start with a skirmish and end with a race against time as the river swells, forcing players to adapt their tactics. Maybe your adventurers are chasing down bandits along the riverbank or defending a strategic crossing before the water threatens to sweep them away.
The Tidal River map pack contains 26 files.
Map size: 33 x 46
Setting Theme: Exterior Rual
Variations: Autumn, Bloodlands, Desert, Empty, Fireflies, Floating Islands, Floating Islands Roc Nest, Fog, Lava, Massacre, Original Day, Original Night, Rain, Sigils, Spring, Sunset, Swamp, Toxic, Underwater, Water Level 01 Day, Water Level 01 Night, Water Level 02 Day, Water Level 02 Night, Water Level 03 Day, Water Level 03 Night, Winter
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