A sudden, brilliant blast of fire from the southern section of Brindol erupts as the red dragon, Abithriax, blasts one of the buildings there with his breath weapon. Almost at once, the PCs receive a panicked telepathic message from Lord Jarmaath, who confirms what the PCs might have already guessed—the red dragon has joined the battle. At the same time, the horde is pushing into the breach in the west wall. Lord Jarmaath orders the PCs to slay the dragon while his soldiers meet the bulk of the horde army at the breach in the walls to the west.
Resolution: 5250x5250px @ 150 PPI
Grid: 35x35 @ 150px
Variations: unscathed, fire start, fire spread, and ablaze all at day and night
Versions: Non Gridded
Total: 8 maps
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