Under the eternal veil of an enchanting canopy, the elven forest unfolds its magical brilliance in the fantasy world. The majestic trees, with eternal green leaves, rise in a harmonious dance with the wind, creating a living canvas that whispers age-old secrets. The sun's rays filtering through the foliage create sparkling plays of light, making magical particles sparkle in the air. Glades dotted with ethereal flowers exude an intoxicating scent, while luminous vines intertwine around the trunks, creating a visual symphony of shimmering color. Crystal clear streams meander through the forest, their shimmering waters reflecting the sky and trees. Bridges of woven branches cross these enchanted rivers, while dragonflies emit flashes of golden light as they dance above the calm waters.
This pack contains 45 battlemaps for your tabletop !
Disclaimer : This art pack contains assets that were generated with the aid of third-party creative software(s).
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)