At the heart of the mystical universe, where the border between reality and enchantment fades, lies an elven forest of breathtaking beauty. Its majestic trees, with shimmering leaves of eternal green, stand like sentinels of nature, watching over an enchanted kingdom. The paths wind between the majestic trunks, paved with shimmering flower petals which open delicately with each step. The whispers of the wind pass through the foliage, carrying with them the whispers of the spirits of nature. Arches of intertwined vines form secret passages, leading to enchanted places hidden from the eyes of mere mortals.
Adventurers, these places are waiting for you to be explored! But beware of the silent elves lurking through the trees !
This pack contains 40 elven forest battlemaps for your tabletop !
Disclaimer :This art pack contains assets that were generated with the aid of third-party creative software(s).
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)