"Few have travelled so far as I - Thrasz Pearwood, the Etchlord Scribe,
nor can dream of all I have seen, from mountains high to lush valleys green.
These are my sketches of those wondrous days, when I journeyed for leagues every which way,
and took down on parchment with my ink, marvels to behold beyond the brink.
Gardens, Kingdoms, Machines and Dreams; Blueprints, Schematics, Buildings and Themes.
Turn through these pages however you please, but you have never seen such sights as these...
Inventions, Civilizations, Schematics and Plans, now all passed to you and your curious hands."
Volume FLORA: 'The Sketches of ETCHLORD' offers a wide range of intricate 1024 x 1024 JPG digital sketches of mushrooms, berries, flowers, plants and leaves (by world weary wanderer, Thrasz Pearwood) offering easy customisation & distribution of beautiful handouts, props and supplements for your fantasy game.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)