Believe it or Not, Mythic Portal Games has been publishing building assets, maps and token sets on Roll20 for 8 years. That means we started less than 4 years after the platform itself launched on-line.
To celebrate, we will be releasing a bundle of our packs every other month from June 2024 (the anniversary of Building Essentials 1) through May of 2025.
These bundles will each contain exactly 8 previously released Mythic Portal Packs from our Essentials series and more, at nearly 25% off the normal price...
This bundle includes 8 packs of Interstellar bodies and starships and space stations you can use to create immersion battle or exploration maps for your ever expanding galactic adventures so your players have the freedom to explore to infinity and beyond.
Watch the Roll20 Marketplace for another 8th Anniversary Bundle in April.
Happy Anniversary!
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)