Large Country Inn (40x74) A rambling country inn and tavern with staff quarters, storage, mini-brewery room, a couple of trapdoors, stables, coach yard, gardens, and even piles of firewood, vegetable gardens and water storage tanks for running water...
'Level One' Tavern (13 x 11) Small tavern designed to be a starter location with 3 basement levels accessed through a trapdoor: 1) Storage + secret room. 2) Fight pit. 3) Tomb. Also includes a 'clean' version + assets clusters.
Cavern Tavern (22x48) Tavern built into a cave system with a public accommodation tunnel, a staff kitchen/accomodation/brewing cave system and a river running through another side tunnel. River cave has a giant mushroom farm for secret ingredients for the 'special' beer
Blufin Tavern (20x30) A simple dockside tavern with a market square out front.
Sane Bard's Inn (22x26) A 2 level inn with tavern downstairs and accommodation upstairs
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