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The only limit to your Fate is your imagination!
Most roleplaying games aren’t grab-and-go and can take lots of prep work before you can start playing. What about those times when you just want to play a last minute game? What if you’re new to the RPG world and want a no hassle way to try one out? What if you’re introducing your kids to RPGs and want something easily accessible for them that won’t bore you to tears?
Well grab your plasma rifles, spell components, and jetpacks! Name your game; Fate Core is the foundation that can make it happen. Fate Core is a flexible system that can support whatever worlds you dream up. This special Roll20 bundle includes Fate Core, Fate Accelerated, and Fate Worlds in one, easily digestible bundle!
Product Information
Fate Milestone Bundle
- Includes Fate Core, Fate Accelerated, Fate Condensed, Til Dawn, and Masters of Umdaar compendiums
- Deck of Fate to quickly add Fate cards, tokens, and other intrigue into your games
- Fate Character Art pack - Includes art from Fate Core, Fate Accelerated, and Fate Condensed books, ready to use in your Game Library
- Worlds Character Art Pack - Includes art from Til Dawn and Masters of Umdaar
- Fate Roll20 Toolkit, a collection of tools to help build and customize your Fate adventures on Roll20, with macros, decks of fate points, rollable tables, calibration tools, rules summaries and more
- Fate World: Tower of the Serpents module, a fantasy adventure using the iconic characters from Fate Core and Fate System Toolkit
- Tower of the Serpents Art Pack
- You can access any Compendium book content in the in-app compendium, as well as on the Roll20 web compendium.
- The Adventure Addons are available via a dropdown menu in the Game Addons section of the Game Details Page. Select Deck of Fate and/or Fate Roll20 Toolkit and click on the blue Add to Game button beside the drop-down menu.
- You can access modules by clicking Create a New Game from your Roll20 Home or Games pages and selecting a module you own from the right-hand side of the Start New Game page.
- You can access the Art Packs under the Premium Assets section of the Art Library in-app.
Which Character Sheet should I use?
- We recommend using the Fate by Evil Hat sheet, available when you create your game!
Bug Report Thread
Fate Core, Fate Accelerated, Fate Condensed, Fate Roll20 Toolkit, Tower of the Serpents, Til Dawn, and Masters of Umdaar all © Evil Hat Productions. All Rights Reserved.
Can only be used with Roll20; cannot be downloaded.
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