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Roll20 Marketplace Product

Summons and Familiars for every 5E Spell

Author: Eugene's Workshop

This art will be available in the Art Library of all your games. Can include tokens, figures, maps, token borders, or portraits.

Price: $6.99
This Token Set is available in the following bundles

Have you ever leveled up during a game and got this sweet new spell that allows you to summon a cool creature, but couldn't enjoy it because there was no token at hand?
Maybe you have a wizard in your party, who swaps familiars all the time because there are so many to choose from, but there are no tokens for all the options?
And hey, even villains deserve some magical minions at their side... Imagine how fun it would be to lure your players into an ambush by a single robed figure, who will suddenly conjure a small army of nasty minions!
This token pack contains all spell-related summons for current 5th edition spells as well as plenty of different familiars. Also, you can combine it with spell template pack for the full spellcasting experience:

58 handy tokens for summons and magical familiars

Want to use this art pack in your own published Roll20 module? The Creator of this Art Pack is open to discussing Commercial Licensing for an additional licensing fee. Please use the contact information found in their Creator Profile to inquire.

58 Items Included in Summons and Familiars for every 5E Spell

Wildfire spirit

druid summon wildfire spirit summon wildfire

Ghostly spirit

phantom summon undead undead spirit

Skeletal spirit

bones summon undead undead spirit

Putrid spirit

plague summon undead undead spirit

Devil spirit

caster summon fiend fiendish spirit

Demon spirit

summon fiend fiendish spirit summon greater demon

Yugoloth spirit

insect summon fiend fiendish spirit

Homunculus servant alchemy

mutant create homunculus artificer infusion

Homunculus servant mechanism

construct invention create homunculus

Homunculus servant classic

creation telepath create homunculus

Dancing item

bard force college of creation

Tiny servant

object mug tiny servant

Animated object huge

building transmutation animate objects

Animated object large

brick masonry animate objects

Animated object medium

cauldron pot animate objects

Animated object small

magic broom animate objects

Animated object tiny

candle chandelier animate objects

Beast of the earth and land

digger summon beast bestial spirit

Beast of the water and sea

amphibious summon beast bestial spirit

Beast of the air and sky

ranger summon beast bestial spirit

Metal spirit

iron summon construct construct spirit

Stone spirit

slab summon construct construct spirit

Clay spirit

berserk summon construct construct spirit

Tricksy and deceitful spirit

feywild summon fey fey spirit

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