For tired travelers or bar brawls everything for starting adventure, meeting shady people or celebrating big victories.
six different buildings:
1) small tavern ( tavern capacity 7, drinks, cold foods)
2) medium tavern ( tavern capacity 23, drinks, cold and hot foods )
3) large tavern ( tavern capacity 41, drinks, cold and hot foods ) basement
4) small inn ( 3 rooms, 7 bedspaces (3 cheap))
5) medium inn ( 5 rooms, 13 bedspaces (5 cheap) tavern capacity 6, drinks, cold foods ) basement
6) large inn ( 12 rooms, 32 bedspaces (9 cheap) tavern capacity 56, drinks, cold foods ) basement and second floor
map variations- unfurniseed/ furnished, day/ night, gridded/ ungridded maps
roofs of buildings
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