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Roll20 Marketplace Product

Royal Throne Room Battlemap Pack

Author: Czepeku

This art will be available in the Art Library of all your games. Can include tokens, figures, maps, token borders, or portraits.

Price: $4.99
This Token Set is available in the following bundles

Royal Throne Room

Add gravitas and opulence to your world with this gorgeous throne room. The hall is decorated with expensive tapestries, finery, and great statues of heroes past. Your players will have plenty of time to think as they walk the long carpet to the thrones. Are they in favour with the monarchs? Or have they come to be punished? Will a fey trick open a portal under their feet? Or are their plans to meet the rulers thwarted when they arrive in a blood-stained room? The variants in this pack provide an opportunity to show the passage of time and give your players new details to explore. No palace is complete without this beautiful map.

The Royal Throne Room map pack contains 14 files.
Map size: 17 x 48
Setting Theme: Urban Interior
Variations: Original Day, Original Night, Demon Throne, Frost Throne, Frost Throne Chilled, Knightmare, Massacre, Moonlight, Night Torches, Portal Opening, Prisoner, Ruins, Stained Glass, Underworld

Browse through our entire roll20 collection here.

We also offer subscription options at our Patreon where you can pay as little as $1 per map pack to receive regular new maps as well as our backlog content!
Browse our full gallery here

10 Items Included in Royal Throne Room Battlemap Pack


throne castle royalty


throne castle royalty


throne castle night


throne castle night


throne hell underworld


throne hell underworld


throne frozen winter


throne frozen winter


blood throne massacre


blood throne massacre

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License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)