In a land where even the gods are bound by oaths and prophecies...
At the dawn of time, a war between the gods and Titans left the world of Thylea forever changed. Thousands of years later, the first mortals arrived, carried by ship and dragon.
The Dragonlords were the champions who overthrew the Titans 500 years ago and forged the Oath of Peace. But the power of the Oath has waned, and now the Titans seek vengeance.
You are one of the heroes called by prophecy to end the conflict once and for all. Poets will sing of your deeds for centuries to come... if you survive.
Odyssey of the Dragonlords is an epic adventure book, packed full of full-color maps and illustrations, all converted to Roll20 and enhanced by Roll20's greatest features. Our goal was to create an adventure that you can be proud to place alongside the official 5th Edition adventure books on your virtual bookshelf.
If you are interested in the Full Adventure Bundle including the Compendium Expansion, you can find that HERE
This Map Pack and Token Set includes all of the original character art and maps included in the Full Adventure
Map Pack and Token Set
You can access the Odyssey of the Dragonlords Character Pack, including all unique Tokens and Maps from the adventure under the Premium Assets section of the Art Library in-app. These assets are Downloadable.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)