This title (normally $4.99) is only $2.99 for a limited time!
Are your players in need of a little more tricks than treats? Don't worry, there's still some stale candy corn from before the dawn of time. Not sure if that's the trick or the treat though, but this heart sure looks yummy! Give your players all the candy corn and severed heads they can handle! Perfect for your Halloween One Shot or just any old Friday night!
Need more Loot to Drop into those Trick or Treat bags? Check out these sets that are not quite so bloody.... for the most part...
*...If You Build it, They Will Run... *
Want to use this art pack in your own published Roll20 module? The Creator of this Art Pack is open to discussing Commercial Licensing for an additional licensing fee. Please use the contact information found in their Creator Profile to inquire.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)