Nature is wondrous, and it creates marvels all the time. These two almost mirrored islands were either created by nature or an unknown force or remained a residue from some ritual. I have always wondered how these phenomena appear and what the story behind them is.
What do you think? Is it an accidental yin-yang situation, or did some wizard summon some ancient god some time ago to create the islands? I named them Twin Islands; it seemed appropriate enough!
Battle map properties:
Resolution: 3500x3500px @ 140 DPI
Grid: 25x25 @ 140px
Variations: Fog, Ghost Ship, Gold, Moonlight, No Trees, Original, Rock, Sharks, Toxic, Volcanic
Versions: Grid and Gridless
Total: 20 maps
Support my Patreon for 60+ awesome, hand-drawn weekly battle maps.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)