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Sometimes you just need a quick map for a village your players are visiting. Othertimes, you need a whole town or a neighborhood in a city. That is why I made this Map Builder Pack. Included in this set are 17 unique maps (all 21x21 squares) with both day and night variations. You can use each map as a standalone encounter map or piece them together like a modular puzzle to build a village, town, or city! There is enough variety to even build an 84x84 map or two! The individual maps are designed to maintain their orientation (i.e. not to be rotated), but hey... nothing is stopping you if you want to increase the uses of this pack by rotating the tiles! Gridded and nongridded maps are included!
This pack is perfect if you are looking for quick, simple town and city spaces that you can flesh out in your adventures! Let this be your players' next step on their journey!
68 Items Included in City and Town Map Builder Pack