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Greetings world builders!
Welcome to the Under Caverns!
A winding cavern leading to riches. Or an escape route from a tyrant King in hot pursuit. The choice is yours.
12 custom maps including - Cave, cave lit, desert, ice, lava and underdark!
18x22 - gridded & gridless
"We must hurry, my Prince!' called the knight, Sir Relver, of the Knight's Cavalry. 'Do you know where we are going? I never knew these passages even existed! How dare you keep this from me', the Prince scorned. 'Your majesty, please forgive me, but this is not the time. Our lives are at stake here. I must protect you at ALL costs. I know the way. We must flee!' As he turns around to continue, five armed men gather in front of them, blocking their path. The Knight fears this will be their end, and after a gulp, reaches for his sword. A bright light pulses from behind him, filling the cavern with a light like no other. As he turns to find the source, he see's his Prince glowing with a godly amber light. With one last look, and nothing spoken, the light pulses with a force that seems to bypass the Knight, and disintegrates the attackers as though they were nothing but dust in a gale. The Knight slowly grabs him by the hand, and sprints towards the exit."
Happy gaming!
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)