Another outbreak scenario for your campaign with the Apple hotel with its 3 floors and the street in front of it where your players can escape to as long as they find a way to access the reception.
All assets licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
Grave Stone Collection by Kigha.
DS500-18 Cylinder by jlawrence.
Table Tent by Willow Lake Studio.
Button_ru2 by //[imai].
Barricade Set (low poly, game ready) by TampaJoey.
Industrial Valve by Miguel Ángel Jiménez.
pipe with valve (and valve turn animation) by Farid.
Water Grate and Metal Grate by RBG_illustrations.
Fired Boiler by MechLab3D.
Towel Hanger by Aterallis.
Toilet by 1239899282.
Tropical Shower Curtain by aprilpolubiec.
Table Lamp 01 by Nick Havas.
Old soviet elevator by Shedmon.
Air Ventilation Duct by Vince_Crusty.
Luggage by Niels Philipsen.
Main Switch Board by holgcool.
Power Generator thing by tboiston.
Trolly 1 Test V111 by ginseng.
Cardboard Box Low Poly by Ellis Rogers-Byrne.
Antique Globe by Matthew Collings.
Office Phone by maxdragonn.
Weapon Rack - Pegboard/Camo by Smokahontas.
Statue - Julius Caesar - Venice Museum by gabriele.l.
Gaming Laptop - Computer by Diego G.
Vent [Low Poly Realist] by Islide.
Kitchen Spray by Jesus.
Washing Machine by Zlat.
Low-Poly Laundry Detergent bottles by whewnewacc.
Rusted metal shelf by ELIZION.
hand sanitiser spray by sorsor.
Laundry Bin by cnseto.
Sewer Road cover by ROY.
Old Car - VAZ 2107 by Arkady Gribachev.
Road Block by Louis.
trash can by Gleg3002.
Day 026: News Paper Box by uttamg911.
2001 Crown Victoria Taxi Game Prop by 8sianDude.
Truck by ROY.
Trash can by Requital (Azamkhon).
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)