"This area is a dump, an utter landfill of a location. That's the literal definition, if the swaying pile of garbage being picked through hadn't already tipped you off. The sanitization plant is clearly struggling to hold back the tide of rubbish, but this heap has given rise to new life. Compost and manure bring forth new growth, and as you weave through the abandoned shipping containers and patchy tarpaulins of the favela, you can see it here too.
Taste the dirt, inhale the foul landfill musk, blink the bright unrelenting sun from your eyes as it peels and blisters everything in the area. But this place is alive, and thriving better than some districts of the city. Businesses recycle waste to new designs, kids repurpose discarded clothing, families utilize thrown out appliances.
Homes and lives are growing in this shipping container and sheet metal shanty town, and it's all thanks to the pile of garbage dumped here."
This Cyberpunk Favelas (slums) battle map was inspired by many sci-fi films including "Ready Player One". The vast area the map covers will inspire a myriad of different scenarios and narratives for your players to explore.
To sweeten the deal, I have included 3 map variants that puts a certain narratives into play:
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