"As we stepped through each chamber, statues of a forgotten idol, clad in gold plating, gazed imposingly upon us. It's true that each idol remained still during our exploration, this stillness didn't reassure inanimacy. I wasn't alone, as I came to realize. Whilst they hid it well, I couldn't help but notice that Gambi and Breminan cast uneasy glances as they collected relics, or pried gemstones from the walls. My interest remained on the petroglyphs found on every surface, and the secrets they held.
It wasn't until Gambi, already laden with loot, reached the mural depicting the very idol we witnessed throughout, that we came to realize our folly. This realization was not genuinely our own, more imposed upon us by unseen forces, as if our thoughts were no longer ours. Abruptly, it was as if I understood every symbol displayed on these walls. A flood of knowledge, both awe inspiring and overwhelming. Breminan and Gambi, possessed by this new state of being, set down their rucksacks and spoke in tongues unknown to us, but somehow I understood. The message was clear. "We've defiled something sacred."
Their last words spoken, they calmly walked off the bridge and into the chasm below. I was spared, if one could call it that, as I took nothing. But now, every night, I dream of the desert, the temple, and they speak to me in a tongue I no longer understand. My mind has been scarred with knowledge not my own, and I find no respite."
Hey there! I hope you enjoy using this map in your games! :) - You can check out more maps for future battles over here - https://www.patreon.com/Fantasy_Atlas
28x46 Squares
12 Variants (Grid and No Grid options for a total of 24)
The map comes with Day, Blood Temple, Evil, Misty, Rift, Underworld, as well as night variations of these.
All the maps are under 5mb so work nicely with Roll20 free users.
Checkout my Marketplace Page for more awesome maps to play on! :)
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)