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Roll20 Marketplace Product

Instant Handouts (1900-1960's era)

Author: Stalking Crow

This art will be available in the Art Library of all your games. Can include tokens, figures, maps, token borders, or portraits.

Price: $4.99

The "Instant Handouts" is the first part of a role-playing game project that provides instantly usable game-enhancing supplements for every TTRP (and VTT) GM in 17 main categories.

The handout collection covers the period between 1900 and 1960, with pre-made high-resolution certificates, documents, and other elements. Some of the elements are historically accurate, but there are also some fabricated ones specifically created for role-playing game purposes.

The contain of the package:
[FBI Identification cards, 1910's and 20's era]
[Federal prohibition agents ID card, 1920's era]
[Refugee ID cards, 1910-1930's era]
[US NAVY ID cards 1920-1940's era]
[Wiedergeburt - Fake Germany ID card from the WW2 ERA]
[KGB ID from the 1950's and 60's era]
[Miskatonic University ID cards from the 1920's era]
[Research Institute Access Card from 1940's to the 1960's era]

[Business cards]
[Club membership cards]
[Death certification from the 20's-30's era]
[Postcard from Arkham, MA.]

Filled, unfilled, empty and old look variations included.

The collection does not use AI-generated images, instead, it was created using vintage "Public Domain" photos.
You can find this photos on

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202 Items Included in Instant Handouts (1900-1960's era)


label fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era


instant handouts fbi id 1900-1920 era

FPA ID-v000-1x6

label fpa id 1919-1933 era

FPA ID-v001-10x10

instant handouts fpa id 1919-1933 era

FPA ID-v002-10x10

instant handouts fpa id 1919-1933 era

FPA ID-v003-10x10

instant handouts fpa id 1919-1933 era

FPA ID-v004-10x10

instant handouts fpa id 1919-1933 era

FPA ID-v005-10x10

instant handouts fpa id 1919-1933 era

FPA ID-v006-10x10

instant handouts fpa id 1919-1933 era

FPA ID-v007-10x10

instant handouts fpa id 1919-1933 era

FPA ID-v008-10x10

instant handouts fpa id 1919-1933 era

FPA ID-v009-10x10

instant handouts fpa id 1919-1933 era

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