This small boutique medical clinic and spa is an exclusive place, only frequented by the ultra-wealthy. In the future, these clinics do not require many human staff to run and daily operations are generally automated. They offer full care and services which include: cybernetic upgrades, tissue damage repair, cryogenic stasis tanks, R&R rooms and spa/massage treatments.
This map pack contains the following variants:
Future technology has made it possible for people to go into cryo-stasis which allows one to pass through a period of time without aging. This sort of service is only affordable for wealthy elites and the upper-echelons of society. This map variant turns the surgeon's consultation room into the cryo-chamber.
This variant comes in the form of a baked-in (alternate) map.
Your players plan to kidnap a rich elite big-bad boss, who has been rumoured to frequent this boutique clinic for its spa and cybernetic upgrade services. They arrive to find him missing and instead discover dead surgical staff and an armed mercenary (or body guard) in the sugical theatre. What the heck happened here?
This variant contains 3 tiles: 1 x all dead bodies, 1 x dead surgical staff, 1 x dead mercenary
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