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All locations are remade from Corporate office modern battlemap in noir-like moodier, darker colors, for those avoiding brightly colored city maps.
Large office building with various general layouts and themes: 1)lobby with cafeteria, security and waiting room 2) Open plan office with lots of coworking spaces, 3) closed plan office for secluded offices 4) top tier offices and large meeting room, 5) roof with greenery sundeck and elevator technical access. Outside you can choose between variant with underground parking, regular parking or simple streets around the building.
Perfect for roleplaying office work, epic watercooler conversations, putting data into spreadsheets etc OR you can have some non conventional office activities here, like infiltrating secret organizations, extracting information, or maybe some battles with security or secretly ninja trained office workers. And lets not forget the boss fights. Not those about having higher salaries, but real boss fights with REAL bosses.
3 outside variants (two 48x35 and one 32x35) Transparent PNG overlays.
6 floors (22x25 squares)
Gridded/ ungridded map variations
Day/ night map variations.
Light object and lit light objects variations of maps.
Furnished/ unfurnished
Pubs and clubs (noir) four battlemaps
Cars and road tiles- modern city builder
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)