This title (normally $4.99) is only $2.99 for a limited time!
These 50 partly transparent overlays can be applied to any basic map to change the mood. Add shadows, lighting, vignette, clouds, aurora, sandstorms, fog, pollen, ash, rain, snow and other forms of moody weather phenomena! Some come in fixed squares designed to cover a whole map, vignettes / decorative borders that leave the middle mostly untouched. Some are "cloud" style shapes that can be stacked without visible edges. Mix and match for a variety of moods. The northern lights are my favorite!
Countless uses for this weather overlay pack: You found the perfect castle, but it's bright and sunny and your campaign is a moody vampire game. The magical realm of the fae is creeping into the reality of the players. An extreme weather event occurs and you want people to SENSE the fog that overtakes the land! You're reusing an old map and don't want it to be obvious! The seer peers through the magic mirror but things aren't quite right. Parallel realities! Use any time that the basic map you made, bought and brought into your Roll20 game doesn't have quite the right mood to it. These overlays can be placed on any map of any genre to give it a new, refreshed, cohesive feel.
Includes: darkness, sandstorm, green poison pollen, mythical purple and blue, light streaks, northern lights style aurora, snow, rain, light, shadows, storms. Many moods from the mythical to the mundane, from the faint to the obscuring near-opaque.
Use on any basic map to add some spice or a weather event, or add to my space maps for your explorations of outer space and the aether and ethereal planes! Here are a few other packs I've released which will pair well with Ominous Moods.
Ominous Clouds
Ominous Storms
Colorful Space
Space Junk
Ominous Overlays
The demo pictures are examples of how some of the overlays will effect a quick Inkarnate map I whipped up. Demo map is not included. The front cover demo shows four overlays: one aurora, poison vignette, cloud and pollen.
Many of my packs were requested by Roll20 users like yourself! If you have an idea for a future pack, feel free to request it via Roll20's messaging system or through the contact form on my fantasy map portfolio or any of the social medias linked from my profile here!
Want to use this art pack in your own published Roll20 module? The Creator of this Art Pack is open to discussing Commercial Licensing for an additional licensing fee. Please use the contact information found in their Creator Profile to inquire.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)