Isn't it time you mix things up?
Are you tired of every enemy looking the same with only a colored marker in the top corner to tell them apart? You'd probably love to give every thug ambushing your players on the road a unique look but who has the time? Running a game is a big enough undertaking. Let me spend the time you don't have to do the tedious part. This set includes one-hundred AI-generated portraits to add to your library. Plug them into a roll table to create multi-sided tokens for future use or simply drag the token on to your VTT and use a Mod (API) like TokenMod to assign the important stats and you're ready to go with a number of NPCs with individual appearances that will help immerse your players in your world.
Enlarge. Every token in this set is designed to fit into a 1x1 square when you drop it onto the VTT but the resolution of the image allows you to increase the size to 3x3 before you would see a quality drop off. So don't be afraid to cast that enlarge spell!
Credit Where Credit is Due. These portraits are generated using the Artflow Platform with a Creative Commons license for commercial use. The token frames are licensed for commercial use from Heroic Roleplaying Press.
Want to use this art pack in your own published Roll20 module? The Creator of this Art Pack is open to discussing Commercial Licensing for an additional licensing fee. Please use the contact information found in their Creator Profile to inquire.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)