Generic Catacombs # 4
A powerfully dreadful orc shaman has been rumored to have taken up shelter in the volcanic hillside to the north. Within it whispers of despair and suffering float on the fetid air, warmed by the volcanic outflow and spoiled by the foul decay of her victims. No one knows how many have met their doom there. They say there is a locked cavernous pit piled high with bodies in various states of rot. If that isn't hard enough to swallow the travelers and adventurers tell tales of her pet - Oornu - its lethal cube of goo. Toss them an extra mark or drink and they elaborate as to what it is Oornu protects. Untold riches - spoils tossed aside as scraps by the dreadful Ulruk-i.
If you want a great fantasy HD battlemap in the fashion of a catacombs, please consider using this one as a quick jumping off point for your one-shot, campaign, or world-building.
Quick to 'table' and easy to populate with foes and environmental disasters. Detailed enough to be engaging, but vague enough for any DM or GM to add their own flavor.
Hopefully, the pit of despair will not turn too many PC tummy's.
Dimensions = 23x23 (2048x2048 px)
Grid = Square Tiles
1 Tile / Square = 5 ft
Includes 8 Variants
Lit vs. Unlit
Grid vs. No Grid
Lights vs. No Lights
Disclaimer: This art pack contains assets that were generated with the aid of third-party creative software(s).
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)