Generic Catacombs # 3
Pesky goblin raiders have stolen a family treasure and hidden it away in an ancient burial chamber. They leave a ransom note demanding loot for its safe return. They tell you where to meet. Your heart turns to ice. You know this location. You can't fathom why they would take it there. If they knew the legends, they would not dare enter. What if the stories are true? These goblins would surely be dead. And what of your family heirloom? You and your friends are the only ones willing to risk such an adventure. Perhaps if the town constable could help with your preparations? And perhaps that old, unhinged wizard also? Who knows, with the right crew, the right gear, the right potions and magic, maybe, just maybe, you can solve the riddle of Slatharl, enter the tomb, cleanse it of whatever darkness truly resides there, and retrieve your family's legacy. Honor restored and drink to celebrate! Enter Slatharl at your own risk..
Map Dimensions = 44x33 (2048x1536 px)
Tiles = Square
Square = 5ft
(PS, what your PC's are after - it's armor on a table - in the secret burial chamber...)
Contains 8 variants
Grid vs. No Grid
Lights vs. No Lights
Lit vs. Unlit
Disclaimer: This art pack contains assets that were generated with the aid of third-party creative software(s).
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)