Get ready for a huge map set - an underground Cave Fort.
This pack includes an overview map that shows you the maps all pieced together - each of the separate, detailed maps of each section can be used flexibly for other uses in your own campaign as separate maps or in combination to create this complex cave system.
How do you use the master map? Your players can move around the master map as they explore the caverns - but when combat begins in one of the large chambers, load up and use one of the detailed maps (listed below) to run a combat session.
Detailed maps:
Warcamp [50x35]
The Warcamp map is the entrance to an underground lair, fortress or complex.
The entrance is guarded by thick ramparts, a portcullis barring the main door to the caves, murder holes above the entrance chamber and a range of arrow slits in the cliff face to help defend an attack. A NOTES map is included for further information.
River Cavern [50x50]
The River Cavern of the Cave Fort is the second step in fortifications for the cave inhabitants. Used day-to-day as a training area, there are a number of defences here:
-Narrow wooden bridge that can be collapsed as attackers cross
-Guardian cages can be opened to release cave guardians to attack players
-The northern corridor roof can be collapsed to block off the northern passage
-The eastern stairs (which lead around the blocked northern passage) is defended by rolling down heavy stone balls
A NOTES map is included for further information.
Goblin Temple [40x27]
The Goblin Temple includes a worship area of a huge crude head carving of the goblin's god along with priest and blessed-warriors areas.
A NOTES map is included for further information.
Defence Cavern [47x28]
The Guardian Chamber of the Cave Fort is the third step in fortifications for the cave inhabitants and is used to guard further access into the cavern complex. Players enter from the west (left) and see a long cave sloping upward to two raised fortified platforms upon which creatures can guard the cavern. Defences include:
-Two raised platforms providing cover for the defenders
-The players must make their way up through the cavern's sloping floor - some of this could count as Difficult Terrain.
-Optional blast cannons (loaded with exploding dwarf power, 1 charge) are included, controlled by a lever in the northern platform
-Access to the southern passage is closed by a portcullis operated by a winch in the southern guard chamber
A NOTES map is included for further information.
Habitation Caves [37x50]
The entrance to the Habitation Caves is protected by the portcullis gate in the Guardian Chamber of the Cave Fort to the north. Players enter the complex of caves from the north and move through the chambers holding the sleeping quarters of the tribe too young to fight. The layout includes:
-Two prison caves, including one tucked away in a hidden section of the underground river to the far south of the cave complex.
-An offering stone near the entrance where the cave inhabitants make offerings to keep their ancestors appeased.
-Sleeping caves and guard chambers dotted about the complex.
A NOTES map is included for further information.
Dam Trap and Boss Chambers [37x70]
Players are nearing the leadership lodgings in the huge cavern complex. The final defence before they meet the leaders is the Dam Chamber where a high cliff-overlook contains a range of attacking guards. As the players climb the stairs in the southern section of the chamber, the dam can be broken to cause a huge wave of water crash down upon the player group.
Included is a flooded token overlay that can be fitted over the river to demonstrate the flooded, crashing wave.
The layout includes:
-The main river cavern overlooked by a guardian cliff-overlook
-A bridge over to the final leadership caverns for the final fight!
-A portal arch to take this adventure to a new location!
A NOTES map is included for further information.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)