Upon the cliffs overlooking Hermit Isle, is the town of Tamrin Crossing. In the distant past, it was called Tamrin's Crossing... A bit of a tongue-twister, so it became simplified.
Tamrin was the lead Mage in the Engineering coven at the time the bridge was raised, and when they retired, they claimed the isle in the middle of the canyon and built their home there. No one knows if the current resident is Tamrin, one of their decedents, or someone else entirely. Whoever they are, they still mess around with the unseen forces of the world .... At night the canyon is often filled with strange mists and glowing lights. Few dare to go to the edge to see and even fewer are brave enough to cross the bridge on those nights...
There are day and night variations, as well as seasonal changes and night variations with some odd looking fog in the canyon ... have fun exploring and returning at different times of the year :-)
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