Dark Horizons - Lore is a game of mechanized combat set in a world shattered by war. Set in the early 2160s, this game simulates combat between the remotely controlled mechanized corps of two opposing factions in the Dark Horizons Universe: the Federated States and the Eastern Confederation.
Dark Horizons - Lore d20 Edition (d20 Lore, for short) uses the rules in the original d20 Modern Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and d20 Future (the original SRD 1.0) as the foundation for play.
Combat in d20 Lore follows standard d20 Modern Roleplaying Game combat rules. Firing arcs and line-of-sight evaluations are described in the section of the d20 Modern rulebook covering Vehicle Movement and Combat.
Please enjoy this Roll20 adaptation celebrating 20 years of the Dark Horizons Universe, and be sure to check out our other titles on Roll20 Marketplace and Drivethru RPG!
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* Dark Horizons Universe Website
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