Inspired by community-building and introspective games, OneDoorLand presents a new playful way to contemplate the Gene Keys and the Zodiacal I Ching.
OneDoorLand and NoxArcanumExperiment have created a virtual experience together with the Gene Key of the Day: The Board Game for online play accessible to all.
This game can be used as a study board to explore the Gene Keys through the astrological zodiac, using the game tokens to track planetary transits, map your birth chart or create relational charts synthesizing western astrology, the element I Ching, and the Gene Keys transmission.
You can play it as a game with your community or online group, where players move around the wheel collecting archetypal insights through real-life inquiry and creative contemplations.
Contents include the following items:
*A large percentage of the profits from the sales of your purchasing this game will be donated to The Majesty Foundation, Inc. A 501(c)(3) registered charity for advancing mental health through art and storytelling.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)