Perfect Custom Token Markers for any game running 5e or Pathfinder. These Token Markers are designed to be easily read and quickly identified at small sizes. Care has been taken to make these as intuitive as possible. There are 70 markers here, chosen to cover the most common conditions and statuses.
Conditions are clearly named so their meaning can be found by hovering over them in the token marker palette. In cases where Pathfinder and 5e share the name of a condition, but the meaning is different or there are different degrees, the Pathfinder tokens are labeled with a "PF". For conditions which do have degrees of severity, such as 5e's levels of exhaustion, a numbered marker is provided for each degree. For conditions which may be duplicated for different tokens (such as targets "marked" by two different characters) color variations are available.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)