A local forest once had a well traveled road home to a vibrant trade route. Unfortunately, the past few years have yielded many hauntings, disappearances, and even murders from a strange and unknown source. As players pass through the forest, they are confronted by a tribe fighting the source of evil, enlisting the help of the players to defeat it.
This is a side-trek adventure has been balanced for 5 players of 7th level and can be altered by the DM to make it harder or easier depending on the number of players/levels involved in your game. It will likely span approximately 2-3 sessions of play depending on the actions of your players.
Where To Add This Adventure
This is a side-trek adventure for any forest road or trade route. It can be placed in as a stand-alone adventuring day or as part of a greater campaign.
Game Assets
5 Maps w/ Dynamic Lighting (lighting requires Plus/Pro subscription)
Premade Audio List
Quick Guide
System: D&D 5E Adventure
Starting Level: 5 players of 7th level
Length: 2-3 sessions
Installation: Add-on
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)