The Gathering is a scenario for Cthulhu Awakens set in 1934, where a group of disparate characters are invited to a mysterious meeting on an island estate. Over the course of the scenario, they learn the true purpose behind the invitation—they have been targeted to help establish a new Deep One colony after the destruction of Innsmouth. During their attempt to escape the clutches of their host, they uncover secrets of the Mythos that may drive future stories.
The Roll20 edition of The Gathering has the following features
12 new NPCs
Four Location Maps, the Estate Ground, Manor Ground Floor map, Manor Upper Floor map, Chamber map
Four Player Handouts, Invitation and three art handouts
Cthulhu Awakens brings cosmic horror and the Cthulhu Mythos to Green Ronin’s popular AGE System. This complete RPG reimagines and expands the Mythos beyond the biases of the original stories, creating a setting designed specifically for roleplaying eldritch adventures. Delve into the secrets of the Weird Century. Follow aliens and cults through wars, the broken atom, the rise of digital and genetic technologies, and the horrors of social media. Contend with Deep One cults, Yithian agents, and terrifying revelations from across the globe—and within your dreams.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)