Come, be merry, drink and take shelter at the tavern! Come to the hearth and warm yourself… from the cold shivers down your spine, and the hairs that rise on your neck… Ahhh, it’s all just the ale… isn’t it?
- 4 Battlemaps: 'The Tavern' in Day & Night variants and The Tavern Cellar’ in day and night variants, in 4k resolution, rendered in 3d software for a realistic feel.
- 3 Original Music tracks to bring your story to life: 'Merriment and Mead’ [9'11''] with and without a tavern crowd, and the haunted variant, ‘Ales and Spirits' [9'41''].
- 5 sound effect tracks to immerse your players in the scene: the glug of an ale being poured, the crackle of the hearth, and the moans of a ghostly visitor.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)