In the mystic realm between life and death, the House of Eternity stands. This sprawling sanctum belongs to the elusive Deathguard, who, once a year, entertains the daring few who traverse the ethereal River of Lethe to reach their doorstep. Amidst shadowy halls and echoes of lives once lived, you must face otherworldly trials and aid in preparing a feast to honor the Lords themselves.
Weave through the very fabric of existence, as you voyage on spectral vessels along the amnesic waters of the River of Lethe. Will you triumph and restore a cherished soul to the realm of the living? Or will you become just another echo in the House of Eternity?
If you would like the full release of all 15 dungeons from the book, you can get it here
This adventure is part of the Seventh Moon Adventures series, set in the captivating World of Celia, and can be easily adapted into any other campaign settings.
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