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Roll20 Marketplace Product

Copper Dragon's Lair - Dynamic Battle Map

Author: Adam F

Addon: Content which can be added into any game - new or existing!

Price: $4.99

Bronze Dragon's Lair Dynamic Battle Map

The ancient copper dragon Parupisi the Teacher made his lair in a network of caves under a secluded mountain foothill.. This battle map depicts the lair of an ancient copper dragon and it's inhabitants. What adventures lead your party to this foothill lair? Even a friendly dragon's lair can be deadly to those who go unprepared.


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Thanks so much! >^^<

Disclaimer: This product contains assets that were generated with the aid of third-party creative software(s).

i Can only be used with Roll20; cannot be downloaded.

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License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)