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The frontier town of Ordenstahl has been stricken with a terrible sickness that gradually petrifies its people, leaving them as immobile, lifeless stone. Unbeknownst to its people, the source of this disease slumbers beneath the nearby Shatterpeak mountains – imprisoned beneath the peaks is an ancient mountain titan, a creature whose petrifying presence is so strong that, even in its sleep, it still has the power to transform the monsters of the mountain into twisted, stone-skinned mutants.
Seeking to avenge his loss many years ago, an orcish shaman by the name of Hurongar Stonefist has discovered the sleeping titan and learned of its power. He has united the disparate orcish tribes that live among the Shatterpeaks into a great horde, and is poisoning the rivers that run down into the lowlands with shards from the titan’s flesh, causing the sickness of stone that plagues Ordenstahl.
If the town is to survive, the characters must ascend the deadly Shatterpeaks, defeat Hurongar, and return with a cure for the stone sickness…
Flesh to Stone can be run as a single adventure, or Part II in the Hoard of Ghaundal campaign, an overarching story-arc that spans across 6 smaller adventures.
This adventure is designed for four to five 5th-level characters.
System: D&D 5e
Format: Mountaineering Adventure
Recommended Average Party Level: 5
Length: Short Arc (3-4 Sessions) or Part 2 of a Campaign (18-24 Sessions)
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)