Working to make your living in the city of Amberhall you find yourself enmeshed in a plot to poison King Emrys. Can you stop the culprits before it's too late?
To Poison the King is a one-shot adventure for 1st-level characters set in the great city of Amberhall (or any other large city of your choice or campaign). This adventure is Episode 1 in Season One of the Arcane Vault Assembly One-Shots Series: Adventures in Amberhall. One-shot adventures in this series can be played as stand-alone games or as a series of episodes, like a TV or Netflix series.
Amberhall is a sprawling, diverse fantasy city. As you play through the adventures in Season One, your players get to know different parts of the city. This adventure describes the city’s River Port Authority, a district of the city called King’s Kitchen, a wealthy riverside neighborhood known as the Lamplight District, and the waterways of the crowded Overmere district.
More details about the Amberhall cityscape and Episodes One through Nine of Season One are available at
In this adventure, the players become involuntarily involved in a plot to poison Emrys, the King of Amberhall. The adventure offers opportunities for players to use their sleuthing skills as well as swordplay, emulating the action and intrigue of a spy novel.
Tailing suspects
Tavern fights
Going undercover
New Monster: Viper-kin (race)
Cool Setting: Combat on river barges in underground aqueducts
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)