This is Nautiloid Deathnought in fine apparel, pre-configured with walls, doors, and dynamic lighting to maximize the gaming and adventuring experience!
You will find 6 unique decks (Outer Shell, Cattle Deck, Battle Deck, Command Deck, Captain's Deck, and Scout Deck). You will also find an empty variant of each ship's deck, so you can furnish it however you wish.
Battlemap properties:
Decks | Resolutions | Grids:
Outer Ship: 4200x9100 | 30x65
Cattle Deck: 2800x5600 | 20x40
Battle Deck: 2800x3500 | 20x25
Command Deck: 2800x2800 | 20x20
Captain Deck: 2100x2100 | 15x15
Scout Deck: 1400x1400 | 10x10
Variants: Original, Alien Green, and Empty
Grid type: Grid and Gridless
Total: 17 maps
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License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)