The Frozen Realm:
Behold, The Frozen Realm! A barren land filled with icy roads and snow covered hills. This collection pack contains all of the Frozen Packs.
The Frozen Realm collection contains:
- The Frozen Road Map Pack
- The Frozen Backcountry Map Pack
- The Frozen Tokens
10 Core Maps (Variants + Day/Night + Gridded/Gridless):
- The Avalanche
- Dense Trail
- Ice Floes
- Ice Fall
- Sacrifice Pit
- Frozen Straight Road
- Frozen Curved Road
- Frozen Crossroads
- End of the Frozen Road
- Frozen River Crossing
Barricades (3)
Natural Barricades (1)
Ice Chunks/Stones/Snow Piles (7)
Wagons (3)
Camps (3)
Camp Gear (7)
Boats/Rope (4)
Damaged Ice (2)
Misc (3)
Map Specs:
26x39 Grid Squares
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)