The Frozen Road:
Behold, The Frozen Road! In this desolate part of the world where the land is perpetually blanketed in snow and ice, skeletal remains of civilization decorate the pure white landscape. Hostile and inhospitable, the Frozen Road is an unfrequented path, yet many have attempted settlement over the years, with a promise of great treasures resting deep in the frozen waters, and buried in snowbanks.
What creature or magic killed the settlements of this land, over and over through the decades? Was it the cold unforgiving atmosphere, or is there a greater force at work?
5 Core Maps (Variants + Day/Night + Gridded/Gridless):
- Frozen Straight Road
- Frozen Curved Road
- Frozen Crossroads
- End of the Frozen Road
- Frozen River Crossing
Map Specs:
26x39 Grid Squares
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)