If you play DnD 5th Edition, you need Valda’s Spire of Secrets—the biggest, most exciting expansion ever made for 5E. Bring new adventures to your table and transcend the limits of character creation with innovative classes, subclasses, races, feats, and more!
Spire of Secrets comes with 10 brilliant new classes, each with their own complete set of seven or more subclasses, new spells, and even familiars. Each one has been playtested rigorously over multiple years to ensure they’re balanced, fun, and easy to learn.
Spire of Secrets presents four new races to capture your imagination: the tiny yet brave Mousefolk, nimble and kindhearted to a fault; the ancient Mandrakes, tree-people and emissaries of the old woods; the Geppettins, animated playthings made of wood, cloth, or porcelain; and the Spirithost, ghostlike denizens of the Border Ethereal. It also includes the Near-Human variant race, which uses dozens of feats to express a metric ton of new human subraces.
Discover new ways to customize your character and campaign! Spire of Secrets comes with 50+ new feats, 150+ new subclasses, and never-before-seen options, like Aux Levels. These are one-level classes you can use with the normal multiclassing rules to make deep, exciting characters with no fuss. You can also take Starter Feats, which are free 1st-level feats with positives and negatives, so you can roll up utterly unique characters, like Soul Twins (inspired by the 3.5E dvati race) and options for disabled characters, which we developed in collaboration with DnDisability.
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