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-incldues one house in the forest and 4 road maps, 3 of which are special. The first includes a potential camping or battle spot, the second map has a secret rune hidden in the trees and the last one features a painful thorny passage! Overcast variations included!
-features three cliff/overlook pieces that could provide your team with information about the land, one mountain path that is encased in trees and shielded from the elements and one that has an opening among the thick trees and could server as a climbing point or as a mini-cliff! Night, Corrupted, Black and White, Faded, Sunset and Overcast variations included!
-is a bundle of highly overgrown roads with vines connecting the forest from side-to-side! Perfect for a travelling or for battles that take place in the deep forests of you campaign! Night, Corrupted, Black and White, Faded, Sunset and Overcast variations included!
-includes a thickly-overgrown lake that has been almost reclaimed by nature! Perfect for a deep-forest or forgotten lake in your campaign! The old secret fishing spots, that only the fishing guild's elders know about would perfectly suit this map pack! Or maybe this lake is the den of a special kind of vine-based monster, keeping it under lockdown with it's thorny vines! Night, Corrupted, Black and White, Faded, Sunset and Overcast variations included!
-is a highly overgrown river pack! Your players can utilize the vines on the map to cross the river or to maybe craft themselves some new gear! There is also rocks in the rivers that could be crossed... perfect opportunity for an ability check! Night, Corrupted, Black and White, Faded, Sunset and Overcast variations included!
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