ARCADIA 7 is all about nature. This is a compendium that contains all the articles from the seventh issue of ARCADIA, MCDM’s digital magazine for 5th edition GMs and players. This includes the following two expansions and a mini-addon and has a cover from Ian Ameling. Enjoy!
This digital product includes:
Compendium Expansion: The Pickling Guild by Sharang Biswas with art from Gustavo Pelissari and Grace Cheung. The Guild of Pickling, Fermentation & Food Preservation is a network of eccentric culinary enthusiasts who enjoy experimenting at the intersection of alchemy and gastronomy … or so the public believes! This article includes the organization’s details and secrets, profiles of important NPC members, new food-themed magic items like sepulcheese, and a stat block for the Pickling Guild domain.
Compendium Expansion: Wonders of the Wilds by Hannah Rose with art from Kent Davis, Jr. and Nephelomancer. “Wonders of the Wilds” features new nature-themed magic items, like the bag of saplings and staff of the seasons, and new spells for druids and rangers (and also sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards), like ice sheet and sandstorm.
Mini-Addon Adventure: Aethelfaer by Sara Thompson with art from Grace Cheung. Aethelfaer is a badass NPC ranger who could become friend or foe to the characters, depending on how they treat his forest. This article provides Aethelfaer’s story, statistics, plot hooks, and ready-to-play encounter with a bewitched unicorn!
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