Take advantage of bonus Bundle savings for a limited time!
Does a hand-drawn circle correctly represent a fireball area?
Aren't you tired of using the same blank template token for every summoned creature?
Wouldn't you want to have a proper counter for the number of Melf's Minute Meteors flying around your sorcerer?
Every wizard, sorcerer, warlock, hunter, paladin, priest, and druid knows this struggle.
Fret no more! This bundle includes lots of goodies to make your spellcasting life much easier!
Now you won't need to break the immersion with scribbly lines and silly notes on your battlefield. Just drag and drop a handy spell template preconfigured with an appropriate size!
This bundle includes:
156 vibrant, expressive area templates and objects of magic origin for every spell from Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition and its official supplements
58 tokens for summons and magical familiars for the most common and uncommon spells
100 unique token markers +16 versions with counters for spell charges and stacking effects sou you would never forget to hit that stunned enemy with an advantage
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)