Welcome, to Nassau Town, the capital of the Pirate's Republic, where Blackbeard himself was not only a resident, but the Chief Magistrate from 1706 to 1718 when Woodes Rogers came and offered pirates a full Royal pardon for their crimes.
This city map is loosely based of a historical map of the famous port on New Providence Island in the Bahamas, but with a few liberties and additions. I've also included 8 variations (including a treasure map style version), plus and island map for New Providence Island. The maps could function as a port city in pretty much any campaign.
As an additional twist, four parts of the map are zoomed out versions of other battle maps. Three are from my favorite map makers Cze & Peku (done with permission). The forth map is a mashup I made in 2019 when I just started making my own maps. It's a fort inspired by Assassin's Creed Black Flag made using elements from Cze & Peku's maps to create it.
Cze & Peku's Pirate Port Tavern
Cze & Peku's City Market Place
Limithron's Seaside Bastion Fort (Cze & Peku Mashup)
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