Take to the clouds in the sky ship Red Griffon!
Take a griffon ride up to the griffon landing balcony before taking to the high clouds. The crew is prepared for sky encounters as they arm the ballistae on the deck while below the wizard owner of the ship explores the realm from their secured laboratory or quiet study.
Sky Ship 1 is an adventure map pack of 17 hand drawn maps including cabin, hold and empty ship variants. These maps are ready for an adventure evening or perhaps you need an air or sky ship for the adventurers to float off to far off islands or castles in the sky. There are labelled maps too to help you see how each part of the ship can be used.
This set includes:
- Sky Ship tokens - tokens for your mapping in a variety of sail colours
- Sky Ship top deck (40x22) - Take on a dragon using the ballistae or ride the sky with different magic colour variations.
- Sky Ship mid deck (40x22) - Creep below to eradicate the crew in their cabins and make the ship your own! With different cabin choices and empty variations.
- Sky Ship hold deck (40x22) - Clamber down stairs to the ship's hold - but beware the griffon in its cage and the mage in his laboratory. Maps include cage, cargo filled and empty options.
I have used these maps in a variety of planned adventure locations as part of campaign stories.
License: Roll20 End User License Agreement
(Personal Use Only, Do Not Distribute)